In the world of business transactions, the terms “agreement” and “contract” are often used interchangeably. However, while both refer to a mutual understanding between parties, understanding an agreement vs contract is essential for all businesses.

Failing to recognize these differences can lead to confusion, disputes, and even legal repercussions. In this article, we will delve into the key differences between agreements and contracts, exploring the characteristics, differences, and applications of each.

By grasping the nuances of these legal concepts, businesses can ensure that their transactions are efficient and secure.

What Is an Agreement? 

An agreement is an arrangement or a mutual understanding between two or more parties.  It can be written or spoken, formal or informal, and it defines what each party expects from the other.

Types of Agreements

Agreements are usually classified based as follows: 

  • Verbal Agreements: These are spoken agreements between two or more parties with no formal documentation. 
  • Informal Written Agreements: These are basic written documents outlining the terms of an agreement but lack the formality of a contract.
  • Implied Agreements: These agreements are established through conduct, not necessarily spoken or written words.

What Is a Contract? 

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that outlines each party’s rights and responsibilities. It is a formal document that can be enforced in court if any party violates or breaches it.

Types of Contracts

Contracts are commonly classified based on these parameters: 

  1. Formation
    • Formal Contracts: Require adherence to specific legal formalities to be considered valid.
    • Informal Contracts: These may not require specific formalities but can still be legally binding if they meet certain criteria.
  1. Enforcement
    • Executory Contracts: These contracts represent promises that both parties will perform their obligations in the future. 
    • Executed Contracts: These contracts have already been performed by at least one party. 
  1. Performance
    • Unilateral Contracts: These involve a promise or obligation from one party in exchange for the other party’s performance. 
    • Bilateral Contracts: These involve promises and obligations from both parties.
  1. Purpose
    • Service Contracts: Define the services one party agrees to provide to another, along with payment terms and other details.
    • Contracts of Sale: These govern the sale of goods or property, outlining the transfer of ownership and payment terms.
    • Employment Contracts: These establish the terms of employment between an employer and an employee, outlining duties, compensation, benefits, and termination clauses.
    • NDA: It is used to protect confidential information shared between parties.

What Is the Difference Between Contract and Agreement?

Agreements and contracts have key differences that can help one differentiate between them. Consider the following factors to differentiate an agreement vs contract:

  • Contracts are used for business or commercial purposes, while agreements are used for personal or informal purposes.
  • Contracts are legally binding, while agreements may not be.
  • Contracts are typically written, while agreements can be verbal or written.
  • Contracts create legal obligations, while agreements may not.
  • Contracts involve consideration (something of value), while agreements may not.
  • Contracts are created with the intention of being legally bound, while agreements may not have this intention.
  • Contracts are formal and follow specific legal requirements, while agreements can be informal.
  • Contracts are enforceable in court, while agreements may not be.

Agreement vs Contract: A Comparison Table

To further illustrate the distinctions between agreements and contracts, we have created a comprehensive agreement vs contract comparison table. This table provides a concise and visual representation of the key differences between the two.

FormalityWritten documentVerbal, informal written, or implied 
LegalityYesNot always
EnforcementEnforceable in courtDifficult to enforce in court unless documented
SpecificityDetailed description of rights, responsibilities, consequences, and termination clausesGeneral outline of terms
Suitable forHigh-value transactions, complex arrangements, deals with new partners, situations where clear legal enforceability is crucialLow-risk situations, simple transactions with trusted partners, and circumstances where flexibility is needed 
ExamplesEmployment contracts, property leases, purchase agreements, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)Handshake deals, email confirmations, verbal agreements for small purchases


When to Use Agreement vs Contract?

The decision to use a contract or an agreement depends on the nature of the relationship and the intentions of the parties involved. Here is a general guideline on when to use an agreement vs contract:

Agreements are suitable for informal arrangements when parties want to establish mutual understanding or outline non-binding terms and in instances where flexibility is required over enforceability.

  1. Use an agreement for:
    • Collaborations based on trust and goodwill.
    • Low-risk situations with low financial value.
    • Situations where flexibility is important.

    Contracts, on the other hand, are legally binding and provide clarity and protection against breaches, making them suitable for business transactions, employment agreements, master service agreement, leases, and other formal arrangements.

  1. Use a contract for:
    • High-value transactions or complex projects.
    • Situations where clear expectations and legal recourse are necessary.
    • Protecting intellectual property or confidential information.

How CLM Software Enhances Agreement and Contract Management Efficiency

Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software plays a crucial role in streamlining the management of contracts and agreements for organizations.

CLM automates the agreement or contract lifecycle process, from creation to execution. Automated workflows streamline tasks such as routing contracts for review and approval, sending reminders for contract renewals or terminations, and notifying stakeholders of key milestones.

CLM solutions often include template and standardized contract clause libraries that ensure consistency across contracts. This reduces the risk of errors and ensures that all contracts comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

CLM software provides a centralized repository for storing all contracts and agreements. This eliminates the need for physical storage or scattered digital files, making it easy to access and manage contracts from a single platform.

CLM software facilitates collaborative contract authoring. Multiple stakeholders can work simultaneously on a contract, making comments and edits in real-time. This improves communication, speeds up the negotiation process, and reduces delays.

Automate Contracts and Agreements With Contr.act

Understanding the difference between agreement vs contract is essential for individuals and organizations to navigate the complexities of business relationships effectively. While agreements represent a broad understanding between parties, contracts are legally binding and enforceable, providing a higher level of security.

Managing contracts and agreements effectively is crucial for maintaining operational efficiency and mitigating risks. Contract management software or CLM solutions such as SignDesk Contr.act offers businesses a robust solution to streamline the entire contract lifecycle—from creation and negotiation to execution and renewal. including healthcare document automation and handling addendum vs amendment changes

By leveraging Contr.act, organizations can centralize their contract repository, standardize contract templates, automate workflows, ensure compliance, and gain valuable insights through analytics. This not only reduces manual effort and errors but also accelerates contract cycles, enhances collaboration among stakeholders, and improves decision-making processes. making it an essential element of a contract management and meeting contractual obligations.

Incorporating Contr.act into your business operations not only enhances efficiency but also strengthens your ability to adapt to regulatory changes and mitigate risks. Book a demo to see Contr.act in action and embrace the future of contract and agreement management with SignDesk.